You are probably aware that your surroundings can influence how you feel. For example, if everything around you is a chaotic mess, that will probably affect your emotions.

Extra stuff stored all around where you can constantly see it detracts from your home being a restful place for you. Remember, an organized home is well on its way to being a place where you can recover from the stress of everyday life, but a chaotic home is not really a very comfortable place to live.

However, your house may already be very tidy and clean, but the tips in this article may still help you to improve how you've organized it.

For your home to become de-cluttered, it needs to be well organized, so here are some organizing tips for you:

1. If your home is overflowing with storage and you can't find room to put it all away, seriously consider either throwing some stuff out or giving it away.

Have you ever stopped to consider that the more furniture, accessories and just plain stuff that is sitting around, the less room there'll be for you$%: If excess stuff is surrounding you, it takes away from the restful haven from the world that your home should be.

2. Go to a store that specializes in selling storage containers and select several in which to keep your belongings.

For example, you may have a lot of belongings that you don't want to throw away, but you don't want them taking up space at the present time. Here's an idea: take a container or two and fill it. Then keep the containers on shelves or in closets in the rooms where those items will usually be displayed. That way you won't feel overwhelmed by excess stuff, but you can easily get your things whenever you need them.

These storage containers can be brightly colored to be used in children's rooms for storing your children's special toys, books and other needed items. You might also wish to invest in shelving units for your children's rooms and other rooms where they may be appropriate.

Consider using office trays in your home office.

3. If you're like the average person, there's an avalanche of junk mail coming into your home on a daily basis. This junk mail can quickly pile up, so don't let it get ahead of you. Instead throw it in the trash right away. You'll need a large waste paper basket near where you sort your mail.

Be sure you don't handle this kind of mail more than once to keep yourself from wasting valuable time.

4. Have fun organizing your prized collectibles.

Try to look at each room where collectibles are stored with a fresh eye. Remember, the more things you have competing for attention, the less attention each piece will receive. For example, try not to display more than three items on end tables. Store your treasures away for a later time and have a rotating exhibit of collectibles. It will give a fresh look to your room every time you change your exhibit.

Discover the benefits of having glass-covered display cases to put your collectibles in so they don't collect as much dust and can be seen more prominently.

Consider buying other pieces of furniture with glass fronts such as hutches, shelves, bookcases and cabinets. That will also cut back on dusting.

5. If you have not yet purchased all the furniture for your home, or if you would like to get new furniture and retire your old pieces, consider buying a few larger pieces instead of a collection of smaller ones. That will give a look of spaciousness to your home.

Imagine how much more relaxed you will feel in a restful home glowing with a feeling of spacious calm instead of confused clutter! It may take a while to get your stuff organized, but it will be well worth it.

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